Merciboi Systems Solutions

DevOps Training

Our DevOps Training program is designed for individuals and corporate bodies who are interested in learning about the latest tools and techniques used in the industry. Our expert instructors will guide you through the entire process and ensure that you have a solid understanding of the concepts involved. Whether you’re looking to start a new career or enhance your existing skills, our DevOps Training program is the perfect choice.


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Cloud Services

Our AWS Cloud Training program delivers expert instruction on the most advanced topics in AWS cloud computing. The program includes hands-on training and personalized support from our expert instructors, so you can get the most out of your training. Plus, we'll prepare you for AWS Certification Exams so you can take your new skills to the next level. Sign up today and take the first step towards mastering AWS cloud computing.

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Linux & Linux Commands

Our Linux training program is the perfect solution for those looking to learn new skills in the IT industry. With expert instructors and hands-on training, you’ll gain a solid foundation in Linux and Linux Commands . Enroll today and start your journey toward a more successful future.

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Git & GitHub

Our training on Git and GitHub will equip your team with the skills they need to collaborate effectively and streamline their workflows. With our hands-on approach, we'll guide you through the ins and outs of version control tools. You'll learn how to manage your code with ease and efficiency, leaving you with more time to focus on creating high-quality software.

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Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery/Deployment

Our Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment training program is designed to equip individuals with the latest knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of IT. We believe in providing practical, hands-on learning and insights from expert trainers, which is why we’re the go-to choice for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of CI/CD. Our focus here are on tools such as Jenkins, Github Actions, and GitLab CI/CD. Get in touch with us to learn more about our program!

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Our Infrastructure-as-Code training is the perfect solution for businesses looking to automate their operations and streamline their cloud services. Our hands-on experience will equip you with the skills you need to take your career to the next level. We provide comprehensive training that covers all aspects of infrastructure-as-code, with tools such as Terraform and CloudFormation empowering you to innovate and achieve your goals.

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Configuration Management

Our training on Configuration Management is designed to provide hands-on experience on Ansible , ensuring that you have the practical skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your IT career. Our industry experts will guide you through the latest best practices, giving you the edge you need to stay ahead of the competition. Sign up today to start your journey to success.

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Monitoring and Logging

Stay ahead of the curve with our comprehensive training program on Monitoring and Logging. Our expert trainers will guide you through the latest techniques, on tools such as Prometheus, New Relic, DataDog, EFK/ELK, Grafana, providing hands-on experience to help you excel in your field. Sign up today and boost your IT skills with the best in the business.

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Containerization and Orchestration

Gain the skills and expertise you need to master application image containerization and orchestration with our comprehensive training program. Our focus is on Docker, Docker Swarm and Kubernetes & Helm. Our experienced instructors will guide you through the process, providing you with hands-on experience and training in the latest industry techniques and trends. Our industry-recognized certification will help you stand out in a crowded market and advance your career to the next level.

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Other Tools and Technologies

We offer comprehensive training on other tools and technologies to help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of IT. Some of those tools and technologies include, but are not limited to Shell Scripting, Python Scripting, Maven, Nexus, SonarQube, Tomcat, Nginx, Hashicorp Vault, and Jira. Our interactive classes will give you hands-on training with practical exercises that allow you to apply what you learn in real-world scenarios, whie keeping you informed on the tools and technologies upgrade over the years. Our experienced instructors are dedicated to providing you with the guidance and support you need to succeed.

Course Bonuses

Along with our comprehensive curriculum developed by experts to place you at a most desired level, there are other bonuses attached to this course. Such include Resume Preparation, Interview Preparation, LinkedIn Profiling, and HelpDesk Access. These are prepared to help you succeed exceedingly in the career. Contact us now to enrol as there are limited spaces available.

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